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Do you want to help the Museum?  Write to us and propose your idea!

The Museum will recognize you as a supporter for your help!








In addition to the insertion of other musical instruments

or others documents concerning the theme of the Museum,

your help is invaluable and it could be expressed in various ways. Eg:


  • Find any type of information and documentation in your area that can be added to the Museum.


  • Within the scope of the Museum, to identify musicians, composers, dancers, instrument makers and restorers, cultural organizations, etc., which in your territory, or more generally throughout Europe, can be included in the museum site. They are intended both in historical times and currently active.


  • To carry out or promote scholastic, university, musical and scientific research on instruments or music and dances of interest.


  • Translate the Museum website into other European languages. Especially the regional and local languages.


  • Representing and promoting the Museum in your area using your language. Therefore, favor the local edition of articles, radio and television presentations, Web presentations.


  • The Museum is not meant to raise money. However, if you do not have the possibility to help otherwise you can write to us to evaluate help in the reimbursement of expenses for the maintenance of the website. In particular we are trying to guarantee the payment of expenses also for the years to come. We are also trying to have a dedicated public building (not just virtual) for those private collectors who currently make up the Museum and who are interested.







Copyright © 2021-2024 Museo Sacchero - Reproduction, even partial, is forbidden without written authorization.

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