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The Museum Foundation

This museum emerges from the passion of Pierino Sacchero who over many years has collected, restored, studied and played these musical instruments, as well as having also composed new music using these ancient instruments. In this way he therefore constituted the starting point that allowed the foundation of the museum. The difficulties encountered in finding an adequate public arrangement of the material led, starting from 2021, to the preparation of the virtual museum through a dedicated website.

The museum remains open to contributions from other enthusiasts and owners of relevant instruments and documents who wish to share images, videos and descriptions of their instruments. Each contribution will be recognized with the reference to the person who provided the images or documents.

The museum is available for the inclusion of links and documentary and iconographic material even if not strictly Piedmontese, placing it when appropriate in dedicated sections, in order to have a comparative framework on a European geographical and cultural basis.




Pierino Sacchero was born in an old farmhouse on the border hills of Monferrato. Lively and curious mind, a not indifferent manual skill in all sectors. As a boy he made an electric guitar himself. He plays in the band "I coralli" and would have liked to follow the path of music. But the path was another, albeit full of success. He moves on to do electrical systems and repairs of electronic equipment, while as a hobby he wins underwater photography trophies.


​    On reaching retirement, one day he finds himself in his hands a keyboard given to him by friends. It is at this point that the musical notes reappear and begin to dance again in his sensitivity. Music returns, the stimulus to compose new songs and to collect musical instruments from past times. Small accordions and more, come back to life in his hands, beautiful and restored, some with more lively sounds, others with sweeter notes ... each one returns to express the personality of the builder and of his time.


    In the year 2021 he founded the  Museum of Ancient Instruments of Piedmontese and European folk Music, currently managing its direction.




Copyright © 2021-2024 Museo Sacchero - Reproduction, even partial, is forbidden without written authorization.

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