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Purpose of the Museum

​​ The museum's aims include the need to transmit to the future the different aspects of the popular musical culture of the Piedmontese and European territory through the main original musical instruments which, in historical times, have directly and predominantly expressed their typical music and dances. The dances are mainly: Corenta, Brando, Giga, etc. These dances have been present since the Middle Ages if not earlier, while their expression in music took place from the mid-nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century with the important contribution of the diatonic accordions. Then new music arrived in Piedmont (eg Waltz and Polka). With these new music the old instruments were gradually abandoned, because they were not versatile enough with respect to the new musical needs.


   From the above and with the advent of modern music in the mid-twentieth century, our traditional dances and music seemed lost forever. Now they have been partly recovered and partly reinvented with the name of Occitan, Celtic, Trad, Neo-Trad, etc. music. in a continuous action of renewal carried out by some virtuous young people who grew up on Piedmontese and European traditions.


   In respect and in the great recognition of what exists now, the musical instruments of this museum want to give a significant and fundamental overview of what historically existed in Piedmont and in many places in Europe. This is so that in the future we can evaluate with the right material documentation what our history has been. We also want to give a sign of how the root of the new Celtic music was already present also in the Piedmontese tradition.



The future

Through the ancient Piedmontese and European musical instruments, the museum therefore wants to present itself as an objective material testimony, root and guide, both musical and cultural, for the new generations of our territory for all times to come.


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