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How to obtain a copy of the Museum's materials



The reference as a link to this Museum or to its specific pages is the most correct way to refer to the contents, images and documents of the site. For this reason the references (links) are totally free, always welcome and encouraged. Together with the links it is possible to freely put the Museum logo.



This Museum is a primary source of information, documents and images, not otherwise available from public sources. In fact, an important part of the documents and images shown on this website refer to originals belonging to private collectors who explicitly, or sometimes anonymously, supported and support the Museum.



The museum is inspired by part of the European principles for the quality of a cultural site . Therefore it intends to protect those who own the rights on the images and intellectual property of the documents. For this reason, anyone interested in having a copy must request it. The simple technical possibility of somehow managing to copy content from this website does not constitute authorization for its use and disclosure. Nor does it constitute authorization to make commercial use of it.



However, the Museum is willing to provide copies of the contents

provided that a formal request is made and that in

any form of subsequent publication that comes from it

always clearly cited the source.




Downloadable links

Museo Sacchero
Museo Sacchero - QRcode IT.jpg
  • Music scores for diatonic accordion

Copyright © 2021-2024 Museo Sacchero - Reproduction, even partial, is forbidden without written authorization.

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